A journey of a thousand miles
begins with one step
My daughter gifted to me the words above, encouraging me to achieve my dream of sailing a yacht solo around the world. What follows below is one step toward realising that dream.
Today I write to five friends inviting each one of you to join me in an adventure that is the
Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race – 2012
Whilst some of you have known each other for many years, others have never met.
What I do know is that, individual skills aside, each of you possess the personal qualities I believe will make up the core of a great team.
Each of you possess individual skills that when melded together would present a formidable force whilst bearing the hallmark of a competitive, winning team.
I will attempt to coerce you with offerings of wet, cold and windy nights at sea, accompanied by bouts of sea sickness and sheer terror whilst rewarding you with adventure, exhilaration and accomplishment.
Before you decide to delete the email, call medical and have me undergo psychiatric evaluation, please hold that thought and allow me to briefly introduce this outstanding group of gentlemen.
If after reading you want a piece of the action….fire back your preferred contact details and let me know either way.
The IRC Division 4 we would race in requires 6 crew. I have not identified any reserve crew at this stage.
In preparation for the race there are mandatory safety and equipment requirements for the yacht and crew eligibility rules also apply - see the end of this email and http://rolexsydneyhobart.com/ .
2010 - I am taking Long Service Leave 23 Aug-23 Dec 2010 to sail ‘Rogue Wave’ home from Malaysia – at this stage of planning the trip will be over the top from Penang, Danga Bay near Johor Baru, Bali, Dilli, Thursday Is and down the Inner Route through the GBR to Port Stephens. I am in the planning phase at the moment and if you are interested, I will be offering an opportunity for each of you to join me on various legs in preparation for Sydney to Hobart 2011. This is an excellent opportunity to gain sea miles and become familiar with the yacht. If you choose to sail with me, I would encourage you to sail on local boats within your area to assist in honing your skills and growing back those sea legs.
So you want a piece of the action……
I am completing the mandatory Yachting Australia Sea Safety and Survival Training (valid 5 years) 23-24 Jan 2010. Everyone will need to complete this course before any CAT 1/2 race however I will ask if Garth gets an exemption! We would hook up for the pre-qualifying race and when available, as either part or full crew, the odd regatta throughout 2011 and 2012. (eg Sail Port Stephens, Sydney to Gold Coast, Sydney to Coffs Harbour, Newcastle to Lord Howe, Brisbane to Gladstone) – again, not mandatory but more time on board makes us more cohesive and therefore more competitive. I believe early planning will make the experience safer and more enjoyable for all and give me time to seek out sponsorship to offset costs.
Rogue Wave’ is a 1983 Sigma 36 designed by David Thomas. She was built in Plymouth UK and from solid fibreglass and is a fractionally rigged sloop. Now is a good time to mention that in outright placings, if the wind is from abaft abeam we would be at the back of the fleet due to her 1983 IOR racing design, however I believe she will still pack a surprise and be competitive on handicap….which is what it is all about. There is no way we can keep pace with the downwind yacht/skiff designs of today. However, if the wind is on the nose then that’s another story! For example, Love and War (S&S 47) was built in 1973 and won the race in 1974 and 1976. She won again in 2006 due to upwind conditions that suited IOR design! A Sigma 36, the same as ‘Rogue Wave’, won the 2009 Jester Class of the OSTAR Trans-Atlantic race.
When we race ‘Rogue Wave’ in 2012, we will probably attract some media attention due to our smallish 36 ft size and of course the crew composition……fortunately Media coverage means sponsorship opportunities! Media historically focus on the front and back of the race……….oh, and of course the dramas!
There is usually less than a dozen sub-36ft yachts in the race, with the min limit being 30 ft, so there are always races within the race.
Weather advice - Mel may be able to entice Roger (ex Tindal Met Man) to assist us in this very important area. I will have weather routing software on board.
Foul weather gear and additional personal safety equipment - I will seek RAN support through temporary issue (RANSA).
Cost – I will seek sponsorship and/or we share expenses. Excess gear gets freighted to Tasmania in containers through the CYCA.
......standing by to accept more boarders!